The physical activity behavior of children in Finland (LIITU or Lasten ja nuorten liikuntakäyttäytyminen Suomessa in Finnish) study is a national follow-up study. It extensively surveys physical activity, behavior and culture of 7-15-year-olds. I wrote this summary based on the 2022 report of the LIITU study. You can access the entire report here (193 pages, PDF file). Disc golf was found in the study to be one of the favorite sports of children in Finland.

The 2022 report deals with data collected from children in the 7-15-year-olds age group. The data was collected in March-June 2022 with electronic surveys (n = 10,098) and physical activity meters (n = 1,525). The period of data collection coincided with the third Covid-19 wave (the threat of closing schools), the beginning of the war in Ukraine, and strikes and threats of strikes in the education sector. These factors may have influenced the willingness to participate in the study. They may have also influenced the exercise and health behavior of the participants.

Disc Golf 3rd Most Popular Among Boys, 15th Among Girls of Ages 11-15

The most common leisure physical activities in the winter reported by children of ages 11-15 were cross-country skiing, football (soccer in the US), ice skating, ice hockey and skiing. The most common summer activities were football, swimming, cycling and disc golf. Disc golf was the third most popular summer sport among boys, after football and cycling. This result was achieved when 1-3 most popular sports were asked and points for individual sports were summed up. Among girls, disc golf reached the position 15th among most popular sports during the summer. (Appendix table 2 of the report)

We Need More Organized Disc Golf Events for Children

Disc golf is doing well, but we adults should support disc golf for children more by organizing more well run events. This way parents and guardians could bring their children to such events familiar from more traditional sports. Fortunately, the Finnish Disc Golf Association has started investing in bringing disc golf into the structures of our society. See, for example, the sections School sports and Education materials on the association’s website. There’s lots of room to improve arranging organized disc golf activities for kids. On the other hand, a good feature of disc golf is also that children can practice disc golf freely with each other. without the constant guidance of adults. Adults’ guidance is familiar to kids from home, school and many hobbies.

Read also our blog post on Disc Golf Is an Antidote to Problems Caused by Too Much Sitting.

Writer: Erno Väyrynen

Published March 26, 2023

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Reading for a New Disc Golfer

Tips for a New Disc Golfer

Help for Selecting Disc Golf Discs

Plastic Types of Disc Golf Discs

Disc golf is an outdoor sport that has grown in popularity strongly in recent years. There are many reasons behind its popularity, such as the fact that disc golf is suitable for almost everyone regardless of age, gender and wealth. Disc golf can be played alone or together with others. There are more than a thousand disc golf courses in Finland from the south to the northernmost Lapland, and most of them are free to play.

Disc golf has many health effects that make it an excellent hobby for improving fitness and mental health.

In this article, we discuss the problems caused by sitting and the suitability of disc golf for the prevention and treatment of problems. We use the Finnish institute for health and welfare as our source.

Too Much Sitting Is a Problem in Our Society

Too much sitting and inactivity cause various problems. Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Repeated and long-term sitting every day is harmful to health. According to the FinTerveys 2017 survey, Finnish men sat for an average of 7 hours 41 minutes and women 7 hours 11 minutes on weekdays.

Problems caused by frequent and long-lasting periods of sitting and other inactivity:

  • musculoskeletal system problems
  • the risk of developing several long-term diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system and depression.

More information on the website of the Institute of Health and Welfare (in Finnish only, tip: use a translator).

Exercise Recommendations by the Institute of Health and Welfare

The need for exercise varies during different stages of life, which is why the Institute of Health and Welfare has developed its recommendations for different age groups. The recommendations are a good help in planning your exercises.

To achieve the health benefits of exercise, adults (aged 18–65) should exercise once a week

  • moderate endurance exercise for at least 2 h 30 min or, alternatively, heavy endurance exercise for at least 1 h 15 min
  • exercise that maintains muscle condition and movement control at least 2 times a week.

The recommendation for exercise for children under school age is at least three hours every day. School-aged children and young people, i.e. 7-18-year-olds, should do versatile, age-appropriate exercise for at least 1-2 hours a day. The physical growth and development of a primary school-aged child is continuous, so exercise should be versatile and contain a lot of repetitions in order to develop motor skills.

Read the Institute of Health and Welfare recommendations here (in English).

UKK Institute Weekly Physical Activity Recommendation for 18-64-year-olds (in English)

Disc Golf Helping In Prevention and Treatment of Problems Caused by Sitting

Playing disc golf can be a good way to improve your fitness. One full round on an 18-hole course usually takes about 2-3 hours. Even one round per week can reach the recommendations given by the Institute of Health and Welfare as the minimum amount of exercise for adults. Many disc golf enthusiasts play several rounds a week and thus get exercise in accordance with Institute of Health and Welfare’s recommendations.

Disc golf enthusiasts walk in different kinds of terrains, usually 2-5 kilometers (or 1-3 miles) per round, walking, squatting and throwing at different positions. This makes the sport quite versatile. Exercise comes almost unnoticed to the disc golfer, especially if the round is played in the company of friends, enjoying playing in the fresh air.

When playing disc golf, the heart rate increases and breathing accelerates to a level that develops fitness of people who don’t exercise much. The sport is suitable for most people who can walk or even use a wheelchair. Disc golf does not require as good fitness as, for example, running or skiing. This makes disc golf suitable for a large group of people. Playing disc golf can also inspire a more versatile development of the body and mind, as both of these are certainly beneficial for performance in disc golf.

Disc golf is also an excellent way to maintain social relationships and improve mental health. Disc golf is most often played with friends, allowing players to enjoy being together and share their experiences with others. In addition, focusing on playing disc golf is a good way to relax and relieve stress, as players can enjoy nature and the surrounding landscape while playing.

Disc golf is an easy and affordable way to start exercising. If you’re looking for a new and fun way to exercise, try disc golf!

Back to Powergrip Disc Golf Shop

Reading for a Disc Golf Beginner

Tips for Beginner Disc Golfers

Help for Selecting Disc Golf Discs

Plastic Types of Disc Golf Discs

Disc golf is an outdoor sport that has grown in popularity strongly in recent years. There are many reasons behind its popularity, such as the fact that disc golf is suitable for almost everyone regardless of age, gender and wealth. Disc golf can be played alone or together with others. There are more than a thousand disc golf courses in Finland from the south to the northernmost Lapland, and most of them are free to play.

Disc golf has many health effects that make it an excellent hobby for improving fitness and mental health.

In this article, we discuss the problems caused by sitting and the suitability of disc golf for the prevention and treatment of problems. We use the Finnish institute for health and welfare as our source.

Too Much Sitting Is a Problem in Our Society

Too much sitting and inactivity cause various problems. Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Repeated and long-term sitting every day is harmful to health. According to the FinTerveys 2017 survey, Finnish men sat for an average of 7 hours 41 minutes and women 7 hours 11 minutes on weekdays.

Problems caused by frequent and long-lasting periods of sitting and other inactivity:

  • musculoskeletal system problems
  • the risk of developing several long-term diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system and depression.

More information on the website of the Institute of Health and Welfare (in Finnish only, tip: use a translator).

Exercise Recommendations by the Institute of Health and Welfare

The need for exercise varies during different stages of life, which is why the Institute of Health and Welfare has developed its recommendations for different age groups. The recommendations are a good help in planning your exercises.

To achieve the health benefits of exercise, adults (aged 18–65) should exercise once a week

  • moderate endurance exercise for at least 2 h 30 min or, alternatively, heavy endurance exercise for at least 1 h 15 min
  • exercise that maintains muscle condition and movement control at least 2 times a week.

The recommendation for exercise for children under school age is at least three hours every day. School-aged children and young people, i.e. 7-18-year-olds, should do versatile, age-appropriate exercise for at least 1-2 hours a day. The physical growth and development of a primary school-aged child is continuous, so exercise should be versatile and contain a lot of repetitions in order to develop motor skills.

Read the Institute of Health and Welfare recommendations here (in English).

UKK Institute Weekly Physical Activity Recommendation for 18-64-year-olds (in English)

Disc Golf Helping In Prevention and Treatment of Problems Caused by Sitting

Playing disc golf can be a good way to improve your fitness. One full round on an 18-hole course usually takes about 2-3 hours. Even one round per week can reach the recommendations given by the Institute of Health and Welfare as the minimum amount of exercise for adults. Many disc golf enthusiasts play several rounds a week and thus get exercise in accordance with Institute of Health and Welfare’s recommendations.

Disc golf enthusiasts walk in different kinds of terrains, usually 2-5 kilometers (or 1-3 miles) per round, walking, squatting and throwing at different positions. This makes the sport quite versatile. Exercise comes almost unnoticed to the disc golfer, especially if the round is played in the company of friends, enjoying playing in the fresh air.

When playing disc golf, the heart rate increases and breathing accelerates to a level that develops fitness of people who don’t exercise much. The sport is suitable for most people who can walk or even use a wheelchair. Disc golf does not require as good fitness as, for example, running or skiing. This makes disc golf suitable for a large group of people. Playing disc golf can also inspire a more versatile development of the body and mind, as both of these are certainly beneficial for performance in disc golf.

Disc golf is also an excellent way to maintain social relationships and improve mental health. Disc golf is most often played with friends, allowing players to enjoy being together and share their experiences with others. In addition, focusing on playing disc golf is a good way to relax and relieve stress, as players can enjoy nature and the surrounding landscape while playing.

Disc golf is an easy and affordable way to start exercising. If you’re looking for a new and fun way to exercise, try disc golf!

Back to Powergrip Disc Golf Shop

Reading for a Disc Golf Beginner

Tips for Beginner Disc Golfers

Help for Selecting Disc Golf Discs

Plastic Types of Disc Golf Discs

Prodigy Disc took the top spot as the best-selling manufacturer in the last quarter of 2022 as well. Prodigy has maintained its first place in our sales statistics since the last quarter of 2021 (Q4/2021). This means 20 months of leading the pack with this accuracy.

Among the Trilogy brands, Latitude 64 is the most popular. Other Trilogy brands are Dynamic Discs and Westside Discs.
MVP Disc Sports has steadily grown in popularity with its sister brands Axiom Discs and Streamline Discs. The recent announcement of Simon Lizotte‘s switch from Discmania to MVP Discs will probably show up in sales very soon.

Total sales of disc golf brands in Q4/2022 (

Bags and Boxes On Top of the Product Sales Stats in Q4/2022

More valuable disc golf products, such as bags, baskets and collection boxes, rose higher than usual. Part of the reason for this is the Christmas gift sale and the big discounts that we offered for several weeks. As a pleasant surprise for us, our weakly branded Surprise Box enjoyed great popularity. We will develop this concept in the future. We are grateful to Prodigy Disc and Clash Discs for the special products they offered: Prodigy Disc Mystery Box Blue and Clash Discs 1-year Anniversary Box. Despite The Clash box’s large size and therefore high price, it attracted the attention of the customers of the Finnish brand that is strongly increasing its market share.

Top 20 best-selling disc golf products in Q4/2022 (

Best-Selling Disc Golf Products In Our Online Store

Products displayed based on availability at time of publishing this article on Jan 14, 2023.

Prodigy Disc has held the number one spot of our sales stats for a year now: it overtook Discmania, Innova and Latitude 64 in Q4/2021 and has kept its lead since then. This year, Innova and Discmania have closely followed Prodigy in this order as second and third. Latitude 64 has sold better than Discraft in Q2 and Q3 this year. Discraft’s availability has been the worst of this bunch and this can be seen in our stats.

The Finnish newcomer Clash Discs keeps climbing on our sales chart and achieved its first top 10 placement.

Most Popular Disc Golf Brands Q3/2022

Total sales of disc golf brands in Q3/2022 (

Most Popular Disc Golf Discs Q3/2022

Popular players sell. Simon, Eagle and Väinö dominated our top 10 chart with total of six of their signature discs. Furthermore, Seppo’s and Niklas’ discs are included in top 20. Prodigy’s PA-3 putters, Innova’s enduring favourite Star Destroyer and Discmania’s new Originals releases filled the other top placements. It’s worth noting, Clash Discs Steady Honey achieved a top 20 spot alongside the best selling brands.

Top 20 best-selling disc golf discs in Q3/2022 (

Best-Selling Disc Golf Discs In Our Online Shop

Discs displayed based on availability at time of publishing this article on Oct 6, 2022.

Prodigy Disc has held the number one spot of our sales stats for a year now: it overtook Discmania, Innova and Latitude 64 in Q4/2021 and has kept its lead since then. This year, Innova and Discmania have closely followed Prodigy in this order as second and third. Latitude 64 has sold better than Discraft in Q2 and Q3 this year. Discraft’s availability has been the worst of this bunch and this can be seen in our stats.

The Finnish newcomer Clash Discs keeps climbing on our sales chart and achieved its first top 10 placement.

Most Popular Disc Golf Brands Q3/2022

Total sales of disc golf brands in Q3/2022 (

Most Popular Disc Golf Discs Q3/2022

Popular players sell. Simon, Eagle and Väinö dominated our top 10 chart with total of six of their signature discs. Furthermore, Seppo’s and Niklas’ discs are included in top 20. Prodigy’s PA-3 putters, Innova’s enduring favourite Star Destroyer and Discmania’s new Originals releases filled the other top placements. It’s worth noting, Clash Discs Steady Honey achieved a top 20 spot alongside the best selling brands.

Top 20 best-selling disc golf discs in Q3/2022 (

Best-Selling Disc Golf Discs In Our Online Shop

Discs displayed based on availability at time of publishing this article on Oct 6, 2022.

Powergrip (Fritid Finland Oy), Europe’s biggest disc golf store, has expanded its operations into the United States. US is the main market of disc golf with roughly a 80% share of the global sales. Powergrip established a subsidiary called Powergrip Inc. in the state of Illinois and opened an online store at on Thursday, June 9, 2022. In addition to the online store, there are plans to open several physical stores across the United States.

The easy-to-begin outdoor sport has long been growing at an annual rate of 10%, according to the PDGA (Professional Disc Golf Association), and the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated growth. “The US is a competitive market. Succeeding there will require us to work hard and market actively. I’m confident that our customer-centric approach will take us far also in the US.”, says Erno Väyrynen, the CEO of Powergrip Europe.

Powergrip (Fritid Finland Oy) is a company founded in Oulu in 2009. It specialises in the sales of disc golf equipment. In addition to global e-commerce, Powergrip has five physical stores in Finland (Oulu, Helsinki, Tampere, Turku and Kuopio).

Powergrip (Fritid Finland Oy), Europe’s biggest disc golf store, has expanded its operations into the United States. US is the main market of disc golf with roughly a 80% share of the global sales. Powergrip established a subsidiary called Powergrip Inc. in the state of Illinois and opened an online store at on Thursday, June 9, 2022. In addition to the online store, there are plans to open several physical stores across the United States.

The easy-to-begin outdoor sport has long been growing at an annual rate of 10%, according to the PDGA (Professional Disc Golf Association), and the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated growth. “The US is a competitive market. Succeeding there will require us to work hard and market actively. I’m confident that our customer-centric approach will take us far also in the US.”, says Erno Väyrynen, the CEO of Powergrip Europe.

Powergrip (Fritid Finland Oy) is a company founded in Oulu in 2009. It specialises in the sales of disc golf equipment. In addition to global e-commerce, Powergrip has five physical stores in Finland (Oulu, Helsinki, Tampere, Turku and Kuopio).