When you play with people who have been playing disc golf for a while, you hear the slang associated with the sport. Understable and overstable are key terms describing the flight of a disc golf disc. When a right-handed player throws a backhand shot, the disc tends to turn to the left before falling to the ground. The more the disc tends to turn to the left on a right-handed backhand throw, the more overstable it is said to be. If you are right-handed and throw a sidearm throw, the disc tends to turn to the right. The situation is the same for a left-handed backhand throw. These terms are by no means scientific, but they are well established in international usage.

Overstable Disc Golf Discs

Throwing an overstable disc requires good technique and a high speed, so they are best suited to skilled players who can throw hard. For them, the overstable disc offers greater reliability in varying weather conditions; it can even be thrown into strong headwinds with predictable behaviour. It should also be noted that if you throw hard enough, you can also turn the overstable disc over, i.e. to the right in the case of a right-handed backhand throw. For example, Simon Lizotte was able to turn over a Discmania PD2 while still playing for Discmania. Our general recommendation is that beginners do not need overstable disc golf discs.

Understable Disc Golf Discs

Understable discs are easier to throw, especially for beginners, because they do not turn to the left as strongly as overstable discs when thrown right-handed and therefore they fly further. It should also be noted that even the most understable discs will turn to the left in a right-handed backhand throw if thrown at a low enough speed. Understable discs are also suitable for more experienced and skilful players for choosing different throwing lines. Generally speaking, understable discs work better upwind than downwind, because the headwind makes the disc fly faster relative to the ground.

How to Identify Understable vs. Overstable Discs

The flight numbers on a disc golf disc are the numbers that are often printed on the top of the disc. If the stability value (turn) of the disc is low, the disc is understable. The lower the value of the turn is, the more understable the disc is said to be. At the time of writing, the most understable discs have the value -5 for turn. Similarly, a high turn value is associated with the term overstable.

Using the advanced search in our online shop, you can limit our product range to putters and approach reels suitable for beginners, for example, according to the store or online shop availability you choose.

Tip: read our article on flight numbers and characteristics of disc golf discs if you want to know more about flight numbers.

Innova, the developer of the modern disc golf disc and a major disc golf manufacturer, developed the disc golf flight numbers to define how disc golf discs roughly behave. Most other manufacturers have also adopted this way of defining disc golf discs. Although the flight number method developed by Innova is not a scientifically accurate way of telling the flight characteristics of a disc, it gives a fairly good idea of the flight and is well established practice in disc golf.

The Innova Champion Thunderbird has flight numbers 9, 5, 0 and 2. Photo: Innova Champion Discs.

Disc golf flight numbers are divided into four categories: speed, glide, turn and fade. These numbers are used by most manufacturers to describe the flight of the disc. We explain the categories of flight numbers in more detail below. All our sales staff in our stores are experts in disc golf and will be happy to help you. So you don’t have to learn this theory to get the right disc golf discs for you. Of course, understanding the characteristics and differences between disc golf discs will help you to learn and improve in the sport.

Tip: you can use our advanced product search to browse frisbee golf discs by their flight numbers.

Disc Golf Flight Numbers: Speed, Glide, Turn, and Fade

Speed, Values 1-14

Disc golf discs are rated for speeds from 1 to 14. The higher the number, the faster the disc, i.e. in the lower and more air-penetrating it is. Putters are at the lower end of the flight range (1-3), mids or approach discs in the middle range (3-5), followed by fairway drivers (6-8) and finally drivers (9-14). The numbers, like the whole system, are indicative and should not be interpreted too closely.

It is worth noting that in order to throw the fastest drivers as described by their flight numbers, you have to be able to throw really hard. For this reason, we do not recommend the fastest discs for beginners. When thrown slowly, all fast drivers behave more overstable than their flight numbers indicate. Speed 14 drivers are very shallow and have the longest wing length allowed by PDGA technical rules. The fastest disc golf discs have less drag than the slower discs. Theoretically, faster discs are more likely to fly better into headwind, but they are also more prone to throwing angle errors. Slower discs need to be thrown harder, but are easier to control.

Glide, Values 1-7

Glide describes the ability of the disc to maintain altitude during flight. Well gliding discs are generally best for beginners, because they fly easier and also further. High glide discs are also more prone to wind. Discs with less glide are generally more controllable when there is a lot of wind.

Turn, Values -5-1

The stability number of a disc golf disc describes its tendency to turn over or tilt to the right (in the case of a right-handed backhand throw) at the beginning of the flight. Turn is also referred to as high-speed turn. For this reason, stability value is most crucial during the initial part of the disc’s flight.

A disc with a stability of +1 resists what is known as turning over the most, while a disc with a stability of -5 will turn over the most. Discs that turn more are easier for beginners to throw and are also called understable discs. If a disc turns over too much during a throw, it is an undesirable trait, and it’s advisable to try a disc with a higher stability value. Discs that turn less are more accurate in windy conditions and are also called overstable discs.

Skilled players can utilise the stability value of a disc for various throwing lines. Rollers are one way to easily utilise discs that turn over quickly. Discs with low stability values, ranging from -3 to -5, are well-suited for rollers.

Fade, Values 0-5

Fade describes the tendency of the disc to turn left (for a right-handed backhand thrower) at the end of its flight. A disc with a fade of 0 will fly the straightest. Especially for beginners, it’s easier to throw discs with low fade values straight. A disc with a fade of 5 will turn sharply at the end of its flight. Discs with high fade values fly more predictably into headwinds, and such discs can be more easily used for high hyzer shots.

How to Consider Disc Golf Flight Numbers When Buying a Disc?

Don’t focus too much on flight numbers. It’s best to try out a few different discs yourself and use the ones that feel best for you. If you ask our store experts, they will gladly assist you and recommend disc golf discs that are sure to be good choices. You can also call any of our stores for guidance.

Tip: Also, read our article on Understable and Overstable Disc Golf Discs.

Disc Golf Pro Tour (DGPT) on ammattilaistason frisbeegolfkiertue, joka perustettiin vuonna 2016. Se on lajin korkeatasoisin kiertue, ja se houkuttelee parhaita pelaajia ympäri maailmaa. Disc Golf Pro Tour on merkittävä tekijä frisbeegolfin suosion kasvussa. Kiertue tarjoaa korkeatasoisia kilpailuita ja houkuttelee parhaita pelaajia ympäri maailmaa. DGPT on myös nostanut frisbeegolfin ammattilaisuuden tasoa ja parantanut pelaajien palkintorahoja.

Suomalaisista kiertueelle on osallistunut useampi frisbeegolfia ammatikseen pelaava pelaaja. Esimerkiksi kauden 2024 alussa Eveliina Salonen voitti Chess.com Invitationalin Floridassa 23.-25.2.2024 ja Niklas Anttila sijoittui toiseksi Prodigy Presents Wacossa 7.-10.3.2024.

Niklas Anttila sijoittui toiseksi Prodigy Presents Waco -osakilpailussa Disc Golf Pro Tourilla 2024.
Niklas Anttila sijoittui toiseksi Prodigy Presents Waco -osakilpailussa Disc Golf Pro Tourilla 2024. Kuva: DGPT.

Kauden 2024 DGPT-kilpailukalenteri


  • 16.-18.2.2024 All-Star Weekend, Brooksville, FL, USA
  • 23.-25.2.2024 Chess.com Invitational, Brooksville, FL, USA


  • 7.-10.3.2024 Prodigy Presents WACO, Waco, TX, USA
  • 15.-17.3.2024 The Open at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
  • 21.-24.3.2024 United States Women’s Disc Golf Championships, Austin, TX, USA (Major)
  • 29.-31.3.2024 Texas State Disc Golf Championships, Houston, TX, USA


  • 12.-14.4.2024 Play It Again Sports Jonesboro Open, Jonesboro, AR, USA
  • 19.-21.4.2024 Music City Open, Nashville, TN, USA
  • 25.-28.4.2024 PDGA Champions Cup, Morton, IL, USA (Major)


  • 3.-5.2024 Dynamic Discs Open, Emporia, KS, USA
  • 3.-5.5.2024 Belgian Open, Braine-l’Alleud, Belgia
  • 10.-12.5.2024 Copenhagen Open, Tanska
  • 17.-19.5.2024 OTB Open, Stockton, CA, USA
  • 30.5.-2.6. Portland Open, Portland, OR, USA
  • 31.5.-2.6. Norway Open, Tönsberg, Norja


  • 7.-9.6.2024 Beaver State Fling, Estacada, OR, USA
  • 7.-9.6.2024 Heinola Open, Suomi
  • 14.-16.6.2024 Turku Open, Suomi
  • 21.-23.6.2024 Preserve Championship, Clearwater, MN, USA
  • 21.-23.6.2024 Ale Open, Nol, Ruotsi
  • 28.-30.6.2024 Swedish Open, Borås, Ruotsi


  • 5.-7.7.2024 Trubank Des Moines Challenge, Des Moines, IA, USA
  • 12.-14.7.2024 Krokhol Open, Oslo, Norja
  • 18.-21.7.2024 European Open, Nokia ja Tampere, Suomi (Major)
  • 26.-28.7.2024 European Disc Golf Festival, Tallinna, Viro


  • 1.-4.8.2024 Ledgestone Open, Peoria, IL, USA
  • 2.-4.8.2024 Järva Open x Tyyni, Tukholma, Ruotsi
  • 9.-11.8.2024 LWS Open at Idlewild, Burlington, KY, USA
  • 9.-11.8.2024 Baltic Disc Golf Championship, Vasavere, Viro
  • 21.-25.8.2024 PDGA Professional Disc Golf World Championships eli MM-kisat, Lynchburg, VA, USA


  • 5.-8.9.2024 Discraft Great Lakes Open, Milfor, MI, USA
  • 19.-22.9.2024 Green Mountain Championship, Jeffersonville, VT, USA
  • 26.-29.9.2024 MVP Open, Leicester, MA, USA


  • 10.-13.10.2024 USDGC aka United States Disc Golf Championship & TPWDGC aka Throw Pink Women’s Disc Golf Championship, Rock Hill, SC, USA
  • 17.-20.10.2024 DGPT Championship, Charlotte, NC, USA

Muutokset aikatauluun ovat mahdollisia. Tiedot lisätty 13.3.2024. Lähde: DGPT.

Pisteiden määräytyminen Disc Golf Pro Tourilla

Pelaajat saavat pisteitä sijoituksensa mukaan jokaisessa kilpailussa.

DGPT100%100 pistettä
DGPT +125%125 pistettä
DGPT Playoffs150%150 pistettä
PDGA Pro Major200%200 pistettä
Pisteiden määräytyminen Disc Golf Pro Tourilla kaudella 2024. Lähde: DGPT.
European Open on yleisötapahtuma vailla vertaa. Kannattaa mennä Tampereelle ja Nokialle katsomaan paikanpäälle 18.-21.7.2024.
European Open on yleisötapahtuma vailla vertaa. Kannattaa mennä Tampereelle ja Nokialle katsomaan paikanpäälle 18.-21.7.2024. Kuva: DGPT

Miten voin seurata Disc Golf Pro Touria?

Voit seurata DGPT:tä suorina lähetyksinä maksullisesta Disc Golf Networkin palvelusta. Katso tilausvaihtoehdot tästä. Disc Golf Pro Tour päivittää myös ahkerasti ilmaisia sosiaalisen median sisältöjään.

Tulospalvelu: https://www.pdga.com/apps/tournament/live/events

Lisätietoa DGPT:stä löydät seuraavista lähteistä:

Powergrip on Disc Golf Pro Tourin yhteistyökumppani.

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